
The Inevitable Great Gatsby Post

{Headpiece: So Good Jewelry. Dress: Ebay. Necklace: So Good Jewelry. Earrings, Gloves, Bracelet: Vintage. Hair: Todd at Van Michael Miami Salon. Photographed by me.}
Fact: I’ve never seen The Great Gatsby. And that’s despite the fact that it has one of my most favorite hair inspiration actresses in it and it takes place in what is one of my favorite decades fashion wise. Why? Because that movie ruined my haircut. I actually boycotted it back when it came out because everyone on planet earth lobbed off their hair into a bob just like mine. Even my kid’s doctor said, “Look, my hair is just like yours.” And it was. There went my “I don’t want to look like every other girl in Miami” motivation. Ironically, now that my hair is longer than it’s been in five years, I spun it up in a Gatsby style, because, as luck would have it, a friend turned 40 this past weekend and threw a prohibition-themed bash that was unlike any other soiree I’ve ever been to. Authentic, amazing, unrepeatable. That just about sums it up. Given the opportunity to deck myself out in one of my favorite decades, I jumped with joy, hit my closet and the Interwebs for inspiration and headed straight to Todd at Van Michael. Clearly, neither one of us were born in the right decade, as he can whip out this hair in no time flat and it is sleep-proof. I may or may not have taken these pics the following day. OK, I did and that hair survived the night. Oh, give me a costumed theme party and let me run. It’s like bonus Halloween, and I think we all know how much I adore Halloween. And yes, that’s a flask in my garter, so cheers.

Source from:http://electricblogarella.com/great-gatsby-party/

