
Memorial Accessories - Remembering Our Loved Ones

Memorial accessories are a thoughtful way to remember loved ones who have passed and cannot be present on your wedding day. According to Daisy Days, the most popular items are floating candles which typically have the following message engraved on them, "In Loving memory this light shines as a symbol of a life and love remembered". Personalized photo frames are a great way to show the faces of who is being remembered. And, bouquet charms are a beautiful way to keep someone special close to you throughout your wedding day.
Memorial Accessories to remember loved ones on your wedding day #bouquetcharms #memorialvases #memorialcandlesCome browse the complete selection of memorial accessories at Daisy Days to find the one that is right for you.Source       from:http://www.brendasweddingblog.com/blogs/2014/4/17/memorial-accessories-remembering-our-loved-ones

