
Here's Everything You Need (and Didn't Know You Needed!) to Pack in Your Prom Clutch

Ahhh prom season! It's maybe the most exciting time of the year, but also maybe one of the most intimidating—much like the dreaded cultural cliché of the Bridezilla, there's also the dreaded Promzilla. You know the type: She's the girl who won't stop yammering on about her date, dress, or hair. Plus, anything even marginally related to corsage or limo choices gets her going.
While you definitely don't want that to be you, you do want to prepare—and have fun doing so! Just don't forget that your bag is equally as important as your dress. It pulls together the whole look, making you even more fabulous. (I should know. I run a whole website dedicated to them.)
Click through the slideshow to see what you should be bringing with you in your clutch on prom night, then let us know if you have any questions in the comments!

